
India is anticipated to be hit by a new 3rd wave fueled by Omicron in February: The Covid Supermodels panel

India is anticipated to be hit by a third wave fueled by Omicron in February: The Covid Supermodels panel

A lot of people think that the third wave will arrive in India very soon in the new year. Because the country has a lot of immunity at the moment, it should be less bad than the second wave. It’s very likely that there will be the third wave. Vidyasagar, the head of the National COVID-19 Supermodel Committee, said this:



  • It’s very unlikely that the third wave will see a rise in the number of people who get sick every day compared to the second wave.
  • Third-wave: If the third wave comes to India, there won’t be more than two lakh cases a day, the government says.

When Omicron replaces Delta as the most common variation of COVID-19 early this year, the number of infections will rise.

This third wave will be a lot less strong than the second one predicted by Vidyasagar of the National COVID-19 Supermodel Committee, he said. This is what he said.

By the end of this year, the third wave will be coming to India. If the country has a lot of immunity, this wave isn’t expected to be as bad as the second wave, which was much worse. There is going to be the third wave. He said that when Omicron is the most common variety, our rate of 7,500 cases per day will go up a lot.

It won’t be as bad in India as it was in the second wave of the disease. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Hyderabad professor Vidyasagar thinks that won’t be the case.

There is a good chance that the third wave will have more daily occurrences than the second wave did. Important to keep in mind: The Government of India only started vaccinating the general public (people who aren’t on the front lines) on March 1. In the Delta, no one had a vaccine, except for the people who worked on the front lines.

Survey: More than half of adults have been given at least one dose of delta virus. Sero-prevalence is now between 75% and 80%, with the first dose for 85% of adults, the second and third doses for 55% of adults, and a goal of 95% for the pandemic.

A lot fewer people will get sick in the third wave of people getting sick than there were in the second wave. In the wake of that, we should be able to handle the situation without a problem, he said. It will depend on two unknown factors to figure out how many cases there will be, says the IIT professor. When he asked, “What can Omicron do to break through Delta’s natural defenses?”

He said, “Secondly, how does Omicron get the protective effects of vaccination? To better understand these unknowns, we have proposed various “scenarios”. For example, we could say that 100% of vaccine protection is still there, 50% is still there, or none at all. Natural defense evasion is the same. We figure out how many cases could be made based on the situation.

During the third wave, Vidyasagar says there won’t be more than two lakh cases a day.

To be clear, these are only my best guesses, not sure things. As soon as we learn more about how the virus is affecting Indian people, we can start to figure out how it will spread. Our worst-case scenario can’t happen more than 1.7 to 1.8 million times a day, based on the models we use. This includes 100% loss of vaccination-induced immunity and 100% loss of naturally-induced immunity. Half of the second wave’s peak has been reached.

One of the other members of the panel said that “India is likely to report between one and two lakh cases per day, which is less than the second wave.” In the UK, there are a lot of people who have been vaccinated, but not many people who have been infected with COVID-19.

“Vaccine usage is very high in India due to the country’s high seroprevalence rate, which gives people great natural immunity.” There are also many health problems in the UK which has a lot of elderly people.

United Kingdom: 93,000; India: 7,145; India has 20 times the population of the UK. When I think about what might happen in India, I don’t think it’s a good idea to think about what’s going on in the UK.

The number of cases in South Africa, especially in Gauteng Province, where Omicron was first found, has gone up, but the number of people who need to be hospitalized has gone down. Both of these trends have now reached a level. More people in South Africa have been vaccinated and have antibodies to the virus than there are in the United States, where there is a low vaccination rate but many people have the virus.

Make use of this method to learn the difference between vaccine and natural immunity. Given the huge difference in natural immunity between India and the United States, Agarwal said, “The effects of Omicron in India are unlikely to be the same as in the United States. They believe that Omicron has spread to the surrounding area. Make sure you follow the COVID rules. Prevention is better than cure: Vidyasagar said he thought he was right.

edited and proofread by nikita sharma


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