
Heart Attacks likely to cause the death of people between the age group of 30 to 40 than covid: Here’s why

The modernization in the world and sedentary lifestyle have made a drastic impact on our health. It is evident by the statement that most people are prone to diabetes, hypertension, and high blood pressure nowadays. Previously, the occurrence of heart attacks was very rare among individuals below the age of 40s. 

However, the recent trends have shown that one out of every five persons are diagnosed to have an unhealthy heart and they have suffered from heart attacks respectively. Hence, these days heart attacks are mostly involved in the mortality rate among individuals between the age groups 20 to 40 years. 

Recently, the death of the actor Brahma Mishra and previously the death of Siddhart Shukla were highlighted in the news. Both of the personalities belonged to the age group of 36 and 39 years respectively and the cause of death was found to be a heart attack. 

Heart attack

This has created the awareness among individuals to take into consideration their heart health and thus, take proper initiatives to prevent the cause of heart attack. 

Let’s move forward with the article where we would be talking about the common concerns of heart attack and the lifestyle one should adopt to prevent it.

What is a Heart Attack?

A heart attack takes place when the flow of the blood through the passages of the heart is blocked. There may be many reasons for the blockage of the heart that includes building up of fats, cholesterol, and other substances that form plaque deposits in the coronary arteries. 

Sometimes, the plaque may rupture and this may prevent the flow of blood that results in the formation of clots. The disturbed blood flow can damage the part of the heart muscle as there is no supply of oxygen. The heart attack is often referred to as myocardial infarction that may be fatal or but due to the advancements of technology, its remedy has also appeared.

Symptoms of Heart Attack:

It is very important to take the symptoms into account because this will help to get treatment before it is too late. Common symptoms of a heart attack include the building up of pressure, ache, and tightness in the chest, arm, and neck surrounding the area. The person may feel nauseated with indigestion, heartburn, or abdominal pain.

Other symptoms include shortness of breath, cold sweat, weakness, and sudden dizziness. 

The symptoms may vary from person to person. Some people may face mild pain while others may encounter severe pain. A cardiac arrest might be another symptom of a heart attack. However, the more symptoms a person experiences, the more chances are there that it is a heart attack.

Reasons for a Heart Attack:

  • Diabetes: According to the researches conducted, it has been stated that if a person is suffering from diabetes, they are 2-4 times prone to heart disease compared with the adults who are not diagnosed with diabetes. The underlying reason behind this is that the people suffering from diabetes do not have an optimum blood sugar level that is found in a healthy individual. 

High blood sugar level damages the blood vessels that increase the fat deposits in the coronary arteries leading to a situation called atherosclerosis.

Moreover, a diabetic person is more susceptible to chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and hypertension that increase the chance of heart attack.

  • Hypertension common in early adults: High Blood pressure is a root cause of cardiovascular disease. Regrettably, the recent trends have shown that there is a surge in the number of people suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension among the age group of the early 30s and 40s.

High blood pressure severely harms the blood vessels by thickening them. This impacts the blood vessels and thus, increases the risk of a heart attack.

  • Obesity or Overweight: Obesity or being overweight impacts heart health drastically. Moreover, obesity is also related to the emergence of other diseases including hyperthyroidism or diabetes.

Being overweight impacts the heart health places a high demand on the heart. The person is more susceptible to heart disease even if he or she is healthy. Obesity also results in high cholesterol levels which results in the thickening of the blood vessels.

  • Smoking: It is because of the necessary reasons that cigarette covers come with a caution “smoking is injurious to health”.  It has been found out that the risk of possessing heart disease is directly proportional to the times a person smokes. Moreover, it doubles the risk of heart disease as compared to a non-smoker.

Smoking is injurious for the heart because it consists of nicotine that results in high blood pressure and increases heart rate. 

Even, the e-cigarettes that claim to be made for safe consumption constitute nicotine and other toxic compounds.

  • Drug abuse: The researchers are conducting studies to observe the impact of marijuana on heart activity but as of now, it has been found that it increases the heart rate.

The effect of cocaine on the heart has already been studied. It results in the emergence of symptoms that are associated with heart attacks like tightening of blood vessels and subsequently raises the blood pressure and the heart rates simultaneously.

Prevention of Heart Diseases:

Heart diseases can easily be prevented by making changes in our lifestyle because it is mostly lifestyle-related diseases. Nowadays, there are institutions that take care of heart health and keep a check on our body weight. The most common ways to prevent heart attacks are:

  • Taking proper medications: One must never ignore the medicines prescribed by their doctor and always consume them in the correct dosage. This is essential for people who have a history of heart disease.

Medicines for heart attack

  • Lifestyle factors: Intake of a balanced healthy diet, exercising every day, avoiding smoke consumption can reduce the risk of a heart attack to a certain extent.

Wrap Up:


Our individual health is our own responsibility. It is high time to take into account the risk factors rather than spending piles of money regretting on your hospital bed wishing that you took care of your health. 

Death is inevitable but one should aspire to live a long, healthy, and happy life. Till then visit your doctor for a regular health checkup and take care of yourselves.

edited and proofread by nikita sharma

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