
Top 10 Weird Laws In India

Laws are made to protect and serve the people of a country. These laws, like everything else, must be changed from time to time to reflect current developments.

There are various laws and regulations that we must observe. India has the longest written constitution in the world. Each legislation is relevant and significant in its own right. The laws are put in place to prevent residents of a particular country from doing unusual things, yet sometimes the laws themselves are strange. Many obsolete laws in India have been amended, but other bizarre laws still require the attention of legislators!

In this article, we will look at 10 peculiar Indian regulations that should be changed as soon as feasible.

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1. Why can’t you drink at the age of 18 but you can vote at the age of 18?

The legal drinking age in India varies greatly from state to state. In Delhi, you must be 25 to consume alcohol, but in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal, you can begin drinking at the age of 21. Doesn’t make sense, does it? What’s more bizarre is that in Maharashtra, you may drink wine or beer at the age of 21, but you have to be 25 to drink any other liquor.

As you are all aware, you are deemed able to elect leaders at the age of 18; similarly, the legal age for marriage for women is 18 and for males is 21, but you must be 25 to consume alcohol.

2. Flying a kite necessitates a ‘permit.’

The Aircraft Act of 1934 says that flying a kite without police authorization is illegal. Wow! Really? Was I breaking the law the whole time I was flying a kite? Yes. This Act defines aircraft as any machine that may obtain support in the atmosphere from the response of the air. Balloons, airships, kites, gliders, and flying machines are all examples of this. So, yes, if you fly a kite without police authorization, you are breaking the law, and you can be fined Rs 10 lakh and sentenced to up to two years in prison if you do so.

3. Letters may only be delivered by the Indian Postal Service.

What’s going on? According to the Indian Post Office Act of 1898, only the Indian Postal Service is authorised to deliver letters to your postal address. Do you want to know how India’s courier business is doing? Courier firms, on the other hand, may get around this by labelling them as ‘papers,’ which they are authorised to transport.

4. Kerala’s punishment for having a third child.

Families in Kerala can have up to two children without fear of repercussions. However, if there are more than two, you will be fined Rs 10,000. Furthermore, you can only get government benefits for the first two children you have.

5. To be a motor vehicle inspector, you must have decent teeth.

Candidates who want to work as an assistant motor vehicle in the Andhra Pradesh Transport subordinate service must clean their teeth twice a day to prevent tooth decay. If an inspector does not clean their teeth daily, they may be disqualified from the position. Colour blindness, a damaged leg, a diseased eye, and a decayed tooth might render you incapable of the work, according to Hyderabad notice Number 21.2012.

6. Unlucky Lottery

In 1878, the Treasure Trove Act (the Unlucky Lottery Act) was passed. It stipulates that anyone who discovers a treasure worth more than 10 rupees at any moment must immediately notify the appropriate authorities. Failure to do so may result in the finder of the Treasure being prosecuted.

Kerala Lottery Nirmal NR-194 Today Results 16.10.2020: First Price worth is  70 Lakh!

7. Act to Prevent Internet Censorship.

Internet censoring is the act of preventing some information from being made public but allowing it to be seen privately on the internet. Many organisations and governments use this to restrict access to copyright information and sensitive content on the internet. According to the Information Technology Act of 2000, pornography is illegal. Nonetheless, it is permitted, and you may see sex films. privately.

8. Suicide attempt.

Although India is a democratic country, numerous laws violate an individual’s fundamental rights. According to the law, suicide is an offence, but it is not feasible to prosecute someone who succeeds in executing it. This statement concludes that successful suicide is lawful, but if a person fails to do it, he or she may end themselves in jail. The truth is that if someone dies, the cause dies with him/her; yet, if someone dies, he/she must answer to the authorities for the actions performed.

9. The Foreigners Registration Act of 1939.

According to this rule, every foreigner staying in India for more than 180 days must notify higher officials of their entrance, movement from one region to another, and exit. The legislation also compels landlords and managers of boarding houses and hotels, as well as owners and operators of ships or planes, to notify the presence of any foreigners.

The British instituted it to monitor the admission and movement of foreigners in India. It was designed specifically for Indian revolutionaries from other nations. At the moment, this rule has become a weapon for harassing visitors and is impeding India’s efforts to increase tourism.

10. Adultery is criminal, yet only the guy suffers the consequences.

Doesn’t it seem crazy? According to existing rules, only men are penalised for adultery. According to Provision 497 of the Indian Penal Code, if a man has sexual intercourse with a married woman and does not obtain the agreement of the lady’s husband for the sexual activity, he is punished under this section. The woman is not subject to punishment. This is a gender-biased law that stipulates that while males can be condemned to prison, women are not punishable and can have as many liaisons with other men as they like.

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