
Top 5 Highest-Paid Actresses In Bollywood

We all know that Bollywood is about talented, attractive and glamorous actresses. Today, we see Bollywood actresses pulling intense characters, and carrying the weight of the whole film on their shoulders.

Actresses with large fan bases around the world demand higher fees for their films, which is reasonable considering that they work in their roles, adhere to certain routines and entertain audiences.

So today, we bring you the list of the successful actresses who are also the highest-paid in the Bollywood film industry.

1] Deepika Padukone

The number 1 spot on our list of Indian actresses paid the most goes to Deepika Padukone, who has proven in recent years that there is no competition for her in beauty, talent, hard work and screenwriting. The actress charges more than $14 million for films in both Hollywood and India.


Bangalore-born beauty Deepika Padukone is one of Bollywood’s highest-paid actresses, and her career has soared since she entered the industry. She has a $48 million fortune and Forbes.com named her as one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2018.

With her various blockbuster hits and her reliable public and media presence, Deepika has proven her worth enough to demand large sums. Deepika was the first celebrity to speak out about depression. She also has a mental health foundation called The Live, Love, Laugh foundation. 

2] Kangana Ranaut

The undisputed queen of Bollywood. Kangana Ranaut, after a slow start with films such as Life in a Metro and Gangster, has become one of the best actresses that we have had in recent years. Kangana Ranaut appeared in the 2008 film Fashion for which she won the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actress and the National Film Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Kangana Ranaut, the four-time winner of the Indian National Film Award and four-time winner of the Filmfare Award, is one of the most versatile actresses in Bollywood. Kangana Ranaut has become the epitome of Bollywood’s one-woman army, carrying the film on her shoulders. She makes a huge amount of money from various brands and promotions on social media. 

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Kangana had great difficulties and it took her some time to make a career in Bollywood. As an outsider in the industry, Kangana Ranaut has made a name for herself in the Bollywood industry. Some people assume she made her name as a wannabe actress in the state when she came to the B-town, but the truth is quite different.

From leaving home at the age of 16 to receiving financial support and receiving a national film award, she faced many difficulties and obstacles. But that didn’t stop her from getting to where she is now. The struggles and stories of this young woman are an inspiration to many women and men.

3] Priyanka Chopra

Priyanka Chopra (Jonas) is another of the five richest Bollywood actresses and one of India’s highest-paid and most popular celebrities who won the Miss World title in 2000. 

A household name in India, Priyanka Chopra has taken Hollywood by storm in recent years. Originally from Jamshedpur, Chopra had no background or connection to the film industry when she became Miss World, and then went on to become one of the most sought-after artists.

Priyanka Chopra is the beauty queen and one of Bollywood’s most glamorous, hardworking and self-made stars. She is one of Bollywood’s highest paid actresses and has some interesting projects lined-up both in Hollywood and Bollywood.

4] Shraddha Kapoor

Shraddha was born on March 3rd 1987 and is the daughter of actor Shakti Kapoor. She is one of Bollywood’s highest-paid actresses. 

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Shraddha Kapoor is the most successful and talented actress of this generation. She received many critically acclaimed films such as Stree and Haider, Chhichhore and starred in a large number of mass entertainers.

Shraddha Kapoor has openly struggled with anxiety and revealed that her condition went undiagnosed for a long time. Only after Aashiqui 2 did she begin to experience physical manifestations of fear. She said that she accepted these anxiety attacks and approached them with a lot of love, which she felt was crucial to improving her condition.

5] Katrina Kaif

Katrina Kaif, who was accused of being just a pretty face, has come a long way in the recent years. The foreign-born actress had her own share of struggles as she worked her way up to become one of Bollywood’s highest-paid actors.

There are days when I miss being on shoot: Katrina Kaif
While Katrina Kaif has not confirmed her alleged relationship with actor Vicky Kaushal, her latest Instagram post has sparked speculation about the pair. The actress, who has always been active on social media, gives an insight into her workouts, sharing her stunning selfies, hinting at her upcoming projects and posting things for her fans on Instagram.

Katrina is an inspiration to many when it comes to her discipline in fitness, beauty and lifestyle.


Edited by Anupama Roy

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